Data-Driven Segments

This article will help you understand data-driven segments

Let's talk about something cool: data-driven segments. This is a smart way to use all that info you've already got to make your campaigns hit the mark, targeting exactly who you want, in just the right way.

Think of it like having a laser-focused approach to reaching out to people.

Let’s break it down
1. Hop onto Ubico, from the overview page click the ‘Segments’ on the left hand bar.

2. Click on the New Segment button on the top right hand side.

. Now, you’ve reached the page to set up your campaign..

4. Name the segment relevant to your ICP and choose the data-driven segment.

5. Here, we arrive on the setup page for the data driven campaign.

6. This page lets you add multiple conditions for targeting the people in your already existing database.

We can divide this into 4 major conditions:

Person-Based Targeting: This is all about zooming in on individuals. Say you want to reach out to folks in a specific industry, or those who’ve been checking out your emails a bunch of times, or maybe someone who’s just switched jobs and much more.

Company-Focused Targeting: Here, we shift the focus to entire companies. You can target businesses that fall into a particular industry, rake in a certain amount of revenue, or are located in a specific region.

Response Attributes: This one’s a bit different. It’s all about how people react to your messages. You can target folks based on what you had as an email's subject line, the content of your message, or even the category the email falls under. It’s like fine-tuning your approach based on what resonates with your audience.

Sent-Email Targeting: Ever wanted to follow up in a super precise way? This lets you target contacts based on emails you’ve sent them before. Maybe it’s an email they opened a bunch of times, or a message that got a specific response. It’s about making your next move based on how they interacted with your last one.

Alright, let's dive into a super specific example to show you how this all works in action.

We're putting together a campaign for someone: they're the owner of a marketing business based in Delaware and have opened our emails more than 3 times. Sounds pretty niche, right? Well, with Ubico, honing in on this exact person is as simple as 1 2 3.

Here’s how we break it down:

Starting with the Person: First off, we focus on the job title. We set the attribute to ‘job title’, the condition to ‘contains’, and the value? That’s ‘Owner’. Hit the ‘add condition’ button to lock this in.

Narrowing Down the Location: Next step, we’re looking for someone in a specific spot. For this, we choose ‘Person’ again, but this time the attribute is ‘region’, the condition is ‘contains’, and the value we’re after is ‘Delaware’. But we’re not stopping there

Zooming in on the Business: Now, we switch gears to the company side of things. We select ‘Company’ as the type, with ‘industry’ as the attribute. The condition is ‘contains’ again, and this time, the value we’re looking for is ‘Marketing’. This helps us ensure we’re targeting the right kind of business.

Checking the Engagement: Last but not least, we want to make sure we’re reaching out to someone engaged with our content. So, we move to the ‘Sent’ type. Here, the attribute is ‘open count’, with the condition being ‘greater than’, and the magic number? It’s ‘3’. This shows us they’re not just receiving our emails; they’re opening them.

And just like that, using Ubico, we’ve set up a hyper-segmented campaign targeted precisely at our ideal customer profile (ICP). By taking this approach, we’re not just casting a wide net and hoping for the best. We’re using data we already have to make informed, strategic decisions about who we reach out to and how.

This method isn’t about bombarding everyone with the same message. It’s about making connections that count, reaching out to people with content that’s relevant to them, and ultimately, building relationships that lead to successful outcomes. It’s what makes data-driven segments such a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

So, give it a shot. Start playing around with the data you have, segment your audience in Ubico, and watch as your campaigns become more targeted, more personal, and more effective. It’s a game-changer in how you connect with potential customers and existing contacts alike.