Automated Segments

This article will help you understand automated segments.

Automated Segments harness artificial intelligence to efficiently identify relevant contacts for your outreach efforts. This feature not only simplifies the prospecting process but also enhances it by sourcing personas from similar industries based on your interaction history, thereby increasing your conversion rates without the repetitive tasks associated with manual prospecting.

Let’s get started.

Navigate to the Ubico dashboard and select ‘Segments’ from the left-hand menu.

Click on the ‘New Segment’ button located at the top right corner of the Segments page.

Assign a name to your segment that accurately reflects the target audience. After naming, proceed by selecting the automated segment option, which will guide you to the next phase of setup.

You will be redirected to a setup page where Ubico begins the process of sourcing contacts that match your specified criteria.

Specify the number of contacts you aim to find within each company. This number can vary depending on the product or service you are offering.

Choose the target location for your prospects. While this example encompasses the entire US market, Ubico allows for as much specificity as you require, down to particular cities or states.

Select from a list of major industries. In this instance, we are focusing on the Accounting and Packaging industries, but Ubico offers a wide range of industries to tailor your segment further.

Determine the desired company size by employee count, selecting ranges that best fit your target market, such as 11-50 and 51-200 employees.

Choose the annual revenue range of the target companies, for example, between 1m-10m and 10m to 50m.

Identify the roles within the companies that you wish to target, such as CEO, Founder, Owner, President, and Vice President. Ubico allows for detailed persona targeting to ensure your outreach is as effective as possible.

Focus on specific job positions or add any custom job titles relevant to your outreach.

Describe your ideal prospect in detail. This narrative helps Ubico source contacts that closely match your ideal customer profile (ICP), enhancing the relevance of your outreach list.

Utilize intent signals to refine your search further. Options such as ‘Headcount growth’, ‘Leadership Change’, and ‘New Geography’ enable you to target companies based on specific activities or changes within their organization.

By following these steps and setting up your Automated Segments, Ubico will source a list of personalized contacts tailored to your specifications. This process, typically completed within 10 minutes, provides you with a highly targeted outreach list boasting a delivery rate of 95%.

Automated Segments offer a sophisticated and efficient approach to prospecting, ensuring your outreach efforts are both strategic and effective. With a variety of options available, you can customize your segments to align closely with your campaign objectives, maximizing the potential for successful connections and conversions.