Inbox on Ubico
Siddharth Pattnaik avatar
Written by Siddharth Pattnaik
Updated over a week ago

The Inbox feature on Ubico is a quick and easy way to sift through different responses that have been captured from your ongoing email campaigns. This feature allows you to quickly see which responses require your attention and which ones could wait...
πŸ‘‰ Locate and click on the Inbox tab on the Ubico homepage.

πŸ‘‰ Select the category of response you wish to view, you could also click on the sweep folders if you need the application to scan and update your responses.

πŸ‘‰ View your responses and respond by navigating to your connected email

Please note that you cannot reply to the emails directly from the app, you'll need to go to your connected email's inbox ( Gmail, Outlook etc.) to reply to the prospect.

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