B2B Meeting Types

Here are 6 meeting examples to guide you in the right direction using our Scheduler product.

Siddharth Pattnaik avatar
Written by Siddharth Pattnaik
Updated over a week ago

1. Sales Demo

A sales demonstration is when a member of your team delivers a presentation to a prospective client to show them the features, capabilities, and value of your product or service. Also, this is the moment for you to shine and close that deal! Be confident, and set up the agenda for the call, keep it brief, but concise.

Do your homework and study the company you are demonstrating to. Focus on the client's needs, and value proposition. Don't fall into the trap of talking too much about your own product or service as this will overwhelm the client. That being said, it's encouraged to give your prospective client an overview of what you achieved so far and your company's short/long-term goals.

This event type works best when the scheduler/calendar link is embedded on your company landing page or website homepage in order to route interested buyers to the best available representative on your team.

2. Client Onboarding

After long hours of teamwork, you successfully acquired a customer, so it is not only essential that both parties get off on the right foot but also to set the expectations for what's coming next in their journey with your product or service.
Effective onboarding will lessen the possibility of future conflicts or confusion, and more importantly, improve customer satisfaction, retention, and referrals along the way!

This event type works best when the scheduler/calendar link is embedded in your company welcome package or introduction email in order to give the client room to decide on the day based on their availability.

3. Product Walkthrough

This meeting is quite essential to straighten out any question marks related to the technicalities of your product. Introducing a brand new tool to someone that has little or no idea on how to use your platform can be overwhelming, so keeping things simple at this stage is crucial. Talk about your product specs, capabilities, and how-tos. Nobody's perfect and honesty is the key! Let your client know the limitations or blockers they might have. It's better to set the expectations earlier than disappointing your client by overselling your company.

This event type works best when the scheduler/calendar link is sent directly from the Account Manager or Customer Success Manager's personal email to the client's inbox.

Internal Handoff

4. Internal Handoff

Internal handoff meetings are self-explanatory, they are internal to your company and processes. Once the client successfully signed a contract with you, depending on your company's structure, your Onboarding Team should be leading the way for the client to get set up with your product. Make sure that the client is already made aware of which CSM/AE they will be teaming up on their journey. When introducing your CSM/AE, emphasize their successes, and how he/she was helpful for other accounts in the company.

The following questions are essential to gather everyone on the same page:

1. What is the customer wanting to achieve using the platform?

2. How does the customer measuring success?

3. Who is their ICP?

4. What are some of the blockers they face within their industry?

5. How was the tone of the conversation, what attitude would be the best to adopt approaching to their team? This meeting is all about an effective exchange within your team, utilize this time efficiently, so you don't get caught off-guard in your first meeting with the customer.

This event type works best when the scheduler/calendar meeting is set up as a Team Event to unite the Onboarding team with Account Manager or Customer Success Manager.

5. Progress Updates and Reporting

It’s always a good strategy to follow up with your existing clients on their journey with your platform. Are they happy with their subscription? Do they have any questions? When you first onboard them, layout how you wish to handle these follow-up sessions, is it going to be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly? These calls aren't necessarily for you to upsell a new product or introduce a premium. Be careful not to overdo the followups.

Try to focus on your customer's journey, their interactions with your platform, the blockers or questions they might have, and of course, the overall value they are getting. Don’t get caught out again being unprepared: include relevant data and reports regarding their progress. This is the phase of consolidating the trust between you and your client, and the key to retaining them long-term!

This event type works best when the scheduler/calendar link is set up as a Team Event to unite the Account Manager or Customer Success Manager and the client at regular intervals. The client should always have access to this link to request modifications or cancellations ahead of time.

6. 15-Minute Meeting with the Account Manager

This meeting type is particularly important when it comes to maintaining a great client experience. Especially, if your product is software, there is so much to unlock, learn, unlearn, and re-learn on the client's end, so keep your doors always open for a quick discussion with them. This will keep your clients at ease and make them feel always supported. After each meeting, it is good practice to send a quick note to your client summarizing the key actions agreed. This way, you can demonstrate that you are an active listener who makes sure to take action quickly for the issues raised.

Your client should have access to the link of the Account Manager/Customer Success Manager's personal calendar at all times. Make sure to edit your working hours, and keep your calendar up-to-date to avoid conflict. Your client should be able to book off a time slot in your calendar at any time. You can also set this up on the Scheduler as a Team Event and embed the link onto their welcome package for future use.

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